Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gardening with Grandma 101

So while at Lowe's this past weekend, Tony and I found this:We just had to get it b/c Grandma mentioned that she wanted to teach Vince how to grow something (and we all know that except for Vince I've never actually grown anything in my life nor do I have the desire to develop a green thumb.....who's child am I anyway considering how my dad lives for yardwork). Anyway, today was Gardening 101 at my house. Here's Grandma and Vince planting the flower seeds she brought:
And adding the potting soil:
And Vince shoveling out the potting soil (hahahaha):
And Vince drowning the seeds (maybe he IS my kid.....oh wait, I usually just don't water them at all....right Tabitha?):
Now they moved on to planting the watermelon seeds we got:
Grandma thought that by using the water gun he might not drown the seeds as much:
All done Grandma:
Here's the finished products:
Now hopefully Vince will remember to water them b/c chances are I won't :) Can't wait to see how they turn out!

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