Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chuck E Cheese

Vince's grandparents treated us to a visit to Chuck E Cheese's today. I thought it was gonna be a crazy town but it was GREAT! Let me tell ya, Tuesday at 10am is THE time to go! There were probably 5 kids there....maybe!

Vince was pretty scared of everything at first but he still loved being there and seeing all the games and rides.
He really liked the air hockey table....but I was a little (read A LOT) afraid that he was gonna accidentally hit Grandpa with the puck but he did good and played nice!

He also really liked Ski-Ball, even though we thought he was gonna break the thing.

And we had to play basketball over and over and over and over....you get it.
Barney ride:
Then the highlight of the day.....Chuck E Cheese came out to sing and dance!
Vince was the only kid who danced with him and he LOVED it! He was pretty bummed when Chuck E Cheese left....he followed him all the way to the back, waving the whole way! Here's video of him and his new BFF. (This is just for you, KIM!!)


  1. Air hockey reminds me of Texas!!!

    Awesome dancing Vince!

  2. LOVE HIM!!! thanks for the video distraction -kim
